INFO : renovations are scheduled by the electricity network concessionaire near Montpellier Méditerranée Airport. We invite you to anticipate your arrival. 

Click here for more information.

Rates & Booking

The best price adapted to the duration of your trip. 

Parkings de l'aéroport Montpellier Méditerranée

Rates and booking

  • Proxi parking

    Near the terminal, this park offers fluidity and speed for very short stays, or if you have to wait more than 10 minutes to drop off or pick up a passenger.

    0 to 2 days
    2 minutes
    4 places à recharges rapides et 14 places à recharges lentes
    Parking under surveillance
    Underground and above ground parking with a maximum height of 2.5m
  • Comfort Parking

    This park, covered by photovoltaic canopies, offers ideal comfort for short and medium stays.

    3 to 6 days
    5 minutes
    Parking under surveillance
    Overhead parking with a maximum height of 2.5m
  • P6 - 100% Eco Web Parking

    Available only by reservation, up to 1 hour before the start of your parking (with possible entry at H-6), this park offers you the guarantee of the lowest rates. Partially covered by photovoltaic canopies. Free cancellation up to 3 hours before your parking. Places are guaranteed.

    3 to 60 days
    5 minutes
    1 961
    Parking under surveillance
    Overhead parking with a maximum height of 2.5m
  • Minute Drop-off

    27 parking spots are available in front of the terminal, allowing passengers to drop off and/or pick up. The drop-off point is under access control and offers free parking for 10 minutes.
    Access limited to 3 passages/day.

    0 - 10 minutes free
    30 secondes
    Overhead parking with a maximum height of 2.5m

Passenger drop-off

27 parking spaces are available in front of the terminal for dropping off and/or picking up passengers. The drop-off area is under access control and offers free parking for 10 minutes.  

Vehicle access to the drop-off area is controlled by a licence plate recognition system (LPM). Drivers must collect an entry ticket, which will be used only if the authorised time limit is exceeded to calculate the amount to be paid. When this limit has not been reached, no payment will of course be required and the LPM will simply trigger the opening of the barriers. 


  • 0 - 10 minutes : 0€
  • 10 - 15 minutes : 3€
  • 15 - 20 minutes : 5€
  • + 20 minutes : +1€/5 minutes
Get a 20% parking discount!

Loyalty card

This card is a prepaid parking pass, that can be used in the Dépose-Minute (drop-off), P2 and P4 car parks only. It is valid all year round and can be recharged at any time at the automatic pay stations and/or with the car park attendant in the basement of P2.

Subscribe for €96 of parking and pay only €80.
Subscribe for €192 of parking and pay only €160

Car park payment

  • Online booking: payment by credit card

    Book your parking online for 3 to 60 days. 

    • By credit card 
  • Forme+ Car park exit pay stations: payment by credit card only

    Simple and practical, the car park exit terminals allow you to pay for your parking by credit card directly after collecting your vehicle. 

    • Pick up your vehicle and head for the car park exit 
    • Insert your ticket, then your bank card 
    • The barrier will open once payment has been validated 
  • Forme+ Automatic ticket machines*: payment by cash or credit card
    • Insert your entry ticket, then your means of payment and collect your ticket. 
    • Collect your vehicle and head for the car park exit. 
    • Insert your ticket to open the barrier. 
    • Automatic pay stations are located in the Arrivals hall and in car parks P2, P4, P6, P8 and PRM. 
  • Customer service : payment by cheque, cash or credit card
    • Located on level -1 of car park P2 

    * After validating your ticket, you have 10 minutes to pass through the exit terminal in P2 car parks, 15 minutes for all other car parks. Rates given for information only. As the fees charged are parking fees only, the airport declines all responsibility in the event of damage, accident or theft. Rates are subject to change without notice. 

Useful documents

Règlement Intérieur Parkings Aéroport Montpellier Méditerranée
pdf 292.23 KB
Grille tarifaire des parkings de l'Aéroport Montpellier-Méditerannée au 1er juillet 2024
png 249.64 KB
Secure car park and car wash

Car Hôtel

Just 50 m from the Departures hall, this 24-hour secure car park gives you rapid access to the terminal, as well as valet parking and an interior/exterior cleaning service. 

  • To get to Car Hôtel, follow car park P2. 
More informations

Car Hôtel - Secure Parking and Services

Car Hôtel - Secure Parking and Services
Car park P0 - Aéroport Montpellier Méditerranée
34 130 MAUGUIO
Tel. : 04 67 20 86 46 or 04 67 65 31 96

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To go further

  • Access

    Public or private transportation, all the information you need to get to or leave Montpellier-Méditerranée Airport.

    Accès à l'Aéroport de Montpellier-Méditerannée
  • Around the airport

    Hotels, restaurants, gas stations, car rental agencies, etc.: find all the useful services around Montpellier-Méditerranée Airport.

  • Departures and Arrivals

    Accurate, real-time information on all flight movements for the current aviation season.

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