INFO : renovations are scheduled by the electricity network concessionaire near Montpellier Méditerranée Airport. We invite you to anticipate your arrival. 

Click here for more information.

Medical advice

Advice and information on health requirements, medical assistance, and vaccinations required depending on your destination. 

Conseils médicaux pour voyager Aéroport Montpellier
Everything you need to know about vaccinations before you go


Some vaccinations are compulsory, while others are optional. It is important to find out what is recommended for your destination well in advance of your departure. 
French citizens travelling abroad are advised to consult the Ministry of Health website
You can find all the information you need about vaccinations on the Institut Pasteur website.

What you need to know

  • No vaccinations are compulsory for direct destinations departing from Montpellier -Méditerranée airport. However, it is strongly recommended that you are up to date with your universal vaccinations.
  • For certain destinations (with stopovers), the authorities make entry to the country conditional on consultation of the vaccination booklet. This is the case in Africa, Central and South America, or Asia.


Medical kit to take with you

In addition to your regular treatments, which you should take with you if possible in sufficient quantities, the contents of your medical kit will depend on your destination. Your doctor will draw up a list: antimalarial, antidiarrhoeal, analgesic, skin antiseptic, bandages, compresses, single-use syringes, condoms, etc.

Medical assistance and repatriation

When you go abroad, it is strongly recommended that you take out a health assistance-repatriation policy and cover for medical expenses.

Medical assistance and repatriation cover may be included in the services offered by your travel agency or tour operator. 
It is often one of the services provided by your bank card for a limited duration of stay (less than 90 days), provided that you pay for your travel by card at .




Please note

llnesses that predate the trip and are the cause of the repatriation request may result in the insurance company refusing to cover the costs.

Medicines and baby on board


  • If you wish to keep your medication with you in the cabin, you must take it out of your cabin baggage and present it separately in the bins during security screening. 
    However, the security officer is entitled to request a medical prescription in your name or a certificate from your pharmacist.
  • There are no restrictions for medicines in tablet or powder form.

Baby on board

  • All passengers must be checked, even children and newborns.
  • Food for babies or young children required for the journey is permitted, regardless of the shape or size of the container (feeding bottles, jars, etc.).

Advice for diabetics

The Association Française des Diabétiques has produced a guide in partnership with the Direction Générale de l'Aviation Civile and Aéroports de Paris.
Its aim is to reconcile the imperatives of air safety while preserving the quality of life of travellers with diabetes.

There are many questions to ask before taking a plane, to avoid a break in treatment: What certificates should I take with me? How much insulin can I take with me? What should I do with my insulin pump when it goes through the portals ?

Guide - Diabetes at the airport
pdf 942.09 KB
Make your trip easier !

To go further

  • Minor travelers

    All the steps to prepare for your child’s journey departing from Montpellier-Méditerranée Airport.

    Voyageur mineur en avion
  • Traveling with a pet

    It’s possible to fly with your pet, but their trip must be carefully prepared. Here are some tips to ensure they travel in the best conditions.

  • Disabled and reduced mobility passengers

    To ensure quality service and reduce wait times, Montpellier Airport informs and assists disabled and/or reduced mobility passengers (PRMs), from ticket booking to plane departure.

    Fauteuil roulant à l'aéroport de Montpellier
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